(al-ter-NANTH-ur-uh RINE-ek-ee-eye var. MIN-ee)
Common Name: Miniature Alternanthera
• Kingdom: Plantae
• Phylum: Angiosperms
• Class: Eudicots
• Order: Caryophyllales
• Family: Amaranthaceae
• Genus: Alternanthera
• Species: A. reineckii
Alternanthera reineckii var. mini, often referred to as AR Mini, is a popular dwarf variant of the species Alternanthera reineckii, characterized by its small size and vibrant red or pinkish leaves and compact growth., which may add splash of beauty to your aquatic landscape.
• Plant Structure: Stem
• Characteristics: Small, ovate leaves with a red or pink coloration
• Color: Red or pink
• Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
• Size: Typically grows up to 3-5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm) in height
• USDA Hardiness Zone: Not applicable (commonly used in aquariums)
• Geographic Origination: Cultivated variant
• Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
• pH Range: 6.0-7.0
• gH Range: 3-15°
• kH Range: 1-10°
• Lighting: Moderate to high
• Nutrient Requirements: Moderate
• CO2 Demands: Moderate to high