Alternanthera reineckii var. mini

Scientific name: Alternanthera reineckii var. mini

(al-ter-NANTH-ur-uh RINE-ek-ee-eye var. MIN-ee)

Common Name: Miniature Alternanthera

Binomial Nomenclature:

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Phylum: Angiosperms
• Class: Eudicots
• Order: Caryophyllales
• Family: Amaranthaceae
• Genus: Alternanthera
• Species: A. reineckii


Alternanthera reineckii var. mini, often referred to as AR Mini, is a popular dwarf variant of the species Alternanthera reineckii, characterized by its small size and vibrant red or pinkish leaves and compact growth., which may add splash of beauty to your aquatic landscape.


• Plant Structure: Stem
• Characteristics: Small, ovate leaves with a red or pink coloration
• Color: Red or pink
• Growth Rate: Moderate to fast
• Size: Typically grows up to 3-5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm) in height
• USDA Hardiness Zone: Not applicable (commonly used in aquariums)
• Geographic Origination: Cultivated variant


• Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
• pH Range: 6.0-7.0
• gH Range: 3-15°
• kH Range: 1-10°
• Lighting: Moderate to high
• Nutrient Requirements: Moderate
• CO2 Demands: Moderate to high

  • Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons
  • Tank Placement: Midground or foreground
  • Propagation: Cuttings
  • Maintenance: Pruning to maintain shape and size
  • Pests and Disease: Susceptible to algae if not provided with adequate CO2 and nutrients
  • Pros: Adds vibrant color to the aquarium, relatively easy to care for
  • Cons: Requires high light and CO2 supplementation for optimal growth
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to plant
  1. Create Ideal Conditions:  Ensure that your aquarium water parameters are suitable for the plant. AR mini prefers slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 72-82 F (22-28 C). Additionally, provide adequate filtration and water circulation to prevent the accumulation of detritus around the plant.
  2. Choose a suitable aquarium setup: AR mini requires a well-established aquarium, moderate to high lighting conditions, a nutrient-rich, planted-tank substrate, such as Aquasoil, and CO2 supplementation for optimal growth. 
  3. Plant Preparation: Typically, when you buy AR mini, it comes in a small net pot with rockwool, or in weighted bunches. Carefully remove it from its packaging, In lukewarm water, gently rinse off any excess debris, gel, or rockwool from the roots. Use caution to prevent damage to the delicate stems and leaves. Trim excessive roots and any damaged or unhealthy parts of the plant. This encourages and stimulates healthy growth and prevents the introduction of any potential pests or diseases.
  4. Planting and spacing: